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our Mission

Our mission is to bring the Gospel to the most unreached nations of the world. Specially in 10/40 window area ​and the muslim world.

Our desire is to win the masses to Christ. We work closely with pastors and locol churches to do open air ​crusades in their nations, in secondary cities and remoted villages.

Through our leadership training seminars, we also train workers, local missionaries, pastors, and evangelists in ​the redemptive truths to equip and to propel them in the harvest.

Over the next years, our goal is to win more than ONE MILLION SOULS , as well as equipping 10,000 evangelists ​around the world.

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raising armies

of evangelists!

gospel festivals

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LIBERIA Salala novembER 2024
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Togo lomé febuary 2025
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bEnin djougou march 2025
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21 605 decisions for christ

festival ​of faith

Watch a preview of one of our ​Gospel Festival that took place in ​the city of Dictchot in Pakistan. ​16,553 decisions for Christ have ​been recorded. And as in Bible days, ​Jesus performed several miracles ​among the multitude. So that many ​lame and paralitics walked.

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Born in Montreal, Pierre-Marc Theriautl is a Canadian ​Evangelist. In 2005, he made a powerful encounter with ​Jesus Christ and was radicaly saved. Immediately, he ​knew the Lord was caling him to the front lines of ​evangelism to shake the nations.

Shortly after being saved, it was through reading the ​books of Dr. T.L Osborn that God imparted in him the ​vision of bringing the Gospel to the the end of the world ​and wining the masses for Christ.

Since, he had the privilege to preach the Gospel to large ​crowds of people in eight different countries. In a single ​crusade in Africa, he saw seven totally blind people ​recover their sight and several paralytics healed. The ​Lord confirmed his preaching with signs and miracles. ​To this date, tens of thousand of decisions for Christ ​have been documented throught his ministry.

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Michael Lusk - Texas, USA

Vanguard Evangelism

I have known Pierre-Marc and his wife over 10 years now. I was able to see their integrity as ​well as their heart and passion for the lost. I truly believe they will be among the vanguard of ​international evangelists in the next decade. Whatch for them!

Michaël Lebeau - Qc, Canada

CEO and founder of EMCI TV

The first time I met Pierre-Marc, I knew in my heart that the Lord was with this man. A ​few months later, I saw with my own eyes how Jesus Christ worked with him on the ​mission field by confirming his word with great miracles: The blind see, the deaf hear, the ​paralytics walk, the Gospel is proclaimed ! This is what God can do with a man who is ​entirely devoted to Him, who walks in humility and who is determined to win souls ​whatever the cost.

help us to reach

the unreached

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For only 1$ A DAY you can become ​a monthly partner and help us to ​propel the Gospel to the most ​unreached place of the world.

When we go, you go too!

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The greatest gift you can give is to give Jesus to those ​who do not know him. By sowing today, you will ​contribute to the salvation of thousands of people.

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4-1454 Zotique-Giard, Chambly. Qc, Canada J3L 5T2

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Discover our latest videos: Preaching and teaching, ​miracles and healings testimonies. As well as our ​weekly LIVESTREAM prayer time.

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Redemption of the Nations 2024​

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